

Guidelines and reports

Checklist for Organizers of UWW sanctioned Events

United World Wrestling

This checklist may be used by Organizers to plan, manage and deliver the Event in a way which enhances environmental, social and economic opportunities and minimizes adverse impacts, as described in UWW's Event Preparation Guide (Section 10). 

Climate ActionLife on LandPartnerships for the Goals
Guidelines and reports

Sustainability handbook for Event Organisers


The concept of our FEI Sustainability Programme was born of the desire to make a serious contribnution towards conserving the sound environment necessary for the practice and continuity of equestrian sport. Being an International Federation revolving around horses, it goes without saying thatr it is in our best interest to encourage and help develop an increasingly sustainable environment at equestrian events.

This handbook aims to encourage event organisers to implement verious sustainability initiatives that will help reduce negative environmental impact and create a positive legacy

Climate Action
Guidelines and reports

Game Changer – How climate change is impacting sports in the UK

Game changer

This report aims to raise awareness of climate change and all it threatens, and encourage people to show their support for action to address it.

Climate ActionLife on LandResponsible Consumption
Guidelines and reports

FIA Environmental Accreditation Programme Guidelines

International Automobile Federation

The FIA Environmental Accreditation Programme is aimed at helping motor sport and mobility stakeholders worldwide to measure and enhance their environmental performance. By introducing a clear and consistent environmental management system, it provides stakeholders with a three-level framework against which to accredit their activities.
It is organised around three levels:

  1. One-Star – Basic practice: Demonstrate basic environmental performance and a commitment to improve
  2. Two-Star – Good practice: Demonstrate good environmental performance and be close to follow internationally developed roadmaps toward environmental management
  3. Three-Star – Best practice: Demonstrate best practice and commitment to seek continual improvement through the implementation of an environmental management system
    For any questions, please contact the FIA Sustainability team at

It is recommended that FIA stakeholders wishing to obtain the accreditation start by filling in the Initial Evaluation Form, allowing the FIA Sustainability team to evaluate the current environmental performance and advise on next steps.
Following a first meeting with the FIA Sustainability team, the FIA Environmental Accreditation programme: Self-Assessment Tool should be used in support to these guidelines in order to implement the different recommendations and achieve the targeted level of accreditation.

Once the organisation is ready to be audited, the Formal Application Form should be completed and returned to for review. A remote (One-Star, Two-Star) or on-site (Three-Star) audit will then be planned in order to finalise the accreditation process.
Following the audit process, an official certificate will be issued, including potential key recommendations for improvement and next audit date.

Climate ActionLife on LandResponsible Consumption
Guidelines and reports

Climate Change and The Olympic Winter Games

International Academy of Sport Science and Technology (AISTS)

The Olympic Winter Games have been held every four years since 1924, with the most recent edition taking place in PyeongChang, South Korea in February 2018. In recent years, we have witnessed a drastic effect on winter sports resulting in delays, cancellations and venue changes due to weather inconsistency.

This project focuses on the impacts and risks of climate change and explores its potential effects on winter sports in the future, specifically on the Olympic programme. Outlined below were the objectives for the research involved.

Climate ActionInnovation and Infrastructure
Guidelines and reports

Sport, Broadcasting and Human Rights – Guiding Questions

Mega Sporting Event Platform

All companies have a responsibility to respect human rights when they carry out their business. The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights guide companies in how to meet their responsibilities, and due diligence is a critical component.

This tool, "Sport, Broadcasting and Human Rights - Guiding Questions", is intended to help broadcasters identify and, if necessary, mitigate any potential human rights impacts that may occur when broadcasting a sporting event. It builds on the White Paper "Broadcasters and Human Rights in the Sports Context", which identified potential risks to people and their rights arising from broadcasting a sporting event. 

This tool can be used alongside existing planning and risk processes, such as health and safety assessments, and is intended to be practical, flexible, and to help identify ways to address the particular risks identified.

Download the tool here

Decent Work and Economic GrowthGender EqualityPeace and JusticeQuality EducationReduced Inequalities
Guidelines and reports

Sport Sustainability Introduction : What is sustainability ?

Borussia Dortmund Football Club

What makes sports events sustainable. This module is part of a 12 clips guide created by SportAccord, AISTS, PI, and IOC, to help us understand sustainability as a whole, and look at what it means. It looks at the risks and opportunites, the business case of sustainable sports events. It introduces the benefits, ISO 20121 management system, reporting and impact assessment. (Video 1/12)

Affordable and Clean EnergyClean Water and SanitationClimate ActionDecent Work and Economic GrowthGender EqualityGood HealthInnovation and InfrastructureLife Below WaterLife on LandNo HungerNo PovertyQuality EducationReduced InequalitiesResponsible ConsumptionSustainable Cities and Communities
Guidelines and reports

2018 carbon footprint calculation

Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme (UIAA)

This report outlines the ongoing results of monitoring and reporting of the UIAA's carbon footprint, which is in response to our signed commitment in early 2019 and participation under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Sports for Climate Action.

Affordable and Clean EnergyClimate ActionResponsible Consumption
Guidelines and reports

Sport, Sponsorship and Human Rights – Guiding Questions

Mega Sporting Event Platform

Sponsors have a responsibility, within their own operations and throughout their supply chains, to respect human rights. Sporting events are no different from any other business relationship in terms of needing to proactively take account of potential human rights risks.

'Sport, Sponsorship and Human Rights - Guiding Questions' is a tool intended to prompt the identification of issues to consider at the earliest stages of developing a sport sponsorship relationship, and in the sponsor agreement itself. Building on the white paper on ‘Sponsors and Human Rights in the Sports Context’, these questions should help sponsors consider how they might create effective leverage to address human rights risks throughout the lifetime of the sponsorship.

Download the Sport, Sponsorhip and Human Rights Guiding questions

Decent Work and Economic GrowthGender EqualityPeace and JusticeQuality EducationReduced Inequalities
Guidelines and reports

Carbon Management and Climate protection at FIFA


As an international organisation, FIFA takes its responsibility to protect, cherish and limit its impact on the environment seriously. FIFA aims to lead by example and inspire greater awareness and best practices in sustainability standards with regard to FIFA World Cups™ and within FIFA as an organisation. That is why, since the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany™, it has been continuously implementing environmental projects and engaging with its stakeholders and other institutions to find sensible ways of addressing environmental issues, mitigate the negative environmental impact of its activities and increase its activities that have a positive impact on the environment.

Climate Action