A unique example of partnership in sport.” This is how Stuart Orr, Freshwater Practice Lead at WWF and Vincent Gaillard, World Rowing’s Executive Director, described the strategic alliance between both entities at the World Rowing Congress, following the 2023 World Rowing Championships in Belgrade, Serbia.
Active since 2011, the purpose of this alliance was – and remains, to use the power of the sport of Rowing to raise awareness about the importance of protecting water across the globe. For the past twelve years, a number of actions have been successfully carried out as part of this alliance.
In this context, and thanks to a close cooperation between the Belgrade Organising Committee and WWF Adria, a successful awareness campaign was run during the final weekend of the 2023 World Rowing Championships, to explain to athletes and spectators why conservation of fresh water is so important, and how can anyone have an impact on protecting our waters everywhere.
As jointly presented by Stuart Orr and Vincent Gaillard during the Congress to the Member Federations, the partnership is entering now in a new phase. “For more activation on the ground, for more relevance to our respective members and partners, and to include Coastal Rowing” listed Vincent Gaillard.
In that regard, the strategic alliance will now be adjusted to “Healthy Waters”, with the ambition for both entities to activate and empower their respective networks and partners, and reinforce the collaboration between the WWF local offices and the now 159 World Rowing Member Federations.
“Healthy Waters are essential for both the sport of Rowing and the planet’s well-being, continued Gaillard. This is in line with the reality of today where the World’s waters are facing unprecedented threats from pollution, habitat degradation and climate change.”
At the same time, Orr and Gaillard announced that, after conducting an in-depth analysis of the Kafue River & Rowing Centre (KRRC) project, a re-shifted approach will see the project exclusively focus on the water research aspects. Thanks to all contributors, the funds raised since the launch of the KRRC project will be used for a new joint initiative, still very much oriented on water conservation and research.
“While the initial KRRC strategy aimed at enhancing the health of rivers in Zambia, both WWF and World Rowing see this decision as an opportunity to involve their respective memberships for more activation on the ground. This new pathway will indeed allow for more awareness programmes and water protection actions at diverse levels.”