The project “Greencoach- Incorporating sustainability in the governance of sports organisations”, co-funded by the European Commission under the umbrella of the Programme Erasmus+ Sport, is a 36 months collaborative partnership, which involves eight public and private entities, (Sport Federations and Institutions, NGOs, University, Research Centers) based in different Countries: Italy, Spain, Norway, Belgium, Sweden, Lithuania and France. The project is coordinated by Ecoserveis and the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
As shown by different studies, the sports industry has a large responsibility towards global environmental pollution. Over the last decade, some initiatives have been developed to incorporate monitoring and benchmarking of environmental footprint in sports events.
Therefore, there are not yet reference models at organisational level on good governance of sustainability within sports organisations, and especially focusing on how to incorporate sustainability as a cross-cutting priority in sports clubs as a governance element, beyond specific actions during sport events.
In this framework, GREENCOACH aims to improve the environmental impact of grassroots football organizations by incorporating:
- monitoring and benchmarking of the environmental footprint of football events and organisations
- sustainability as a cross-cutting element in football organisations daily management
In addition, it also aims at enhancing environmental awareness of supporters, spectators and staff and at promoting healthy lifestyles at individual and community levels, especially among young athletes.
As partner of the project, the SuM research group of the Institute of Management will bring in scientific expertise to carry out the assessment of the environmental footprint of grassroots football organisations, and to design and check the benchmarking tools and the education modules. In particular, 2 kinds of footprint will be calculated:
- Environmental footprint of an amateur football match (then used to calculate aggregated footprint of bigger events such as the total footprint of an amateur championship/tournament or the assessment of the total footprint of all amateur matches of a country).
- Organisational Environmental Footprint (OEF) of an amateur football organization (by categorizing the organisations according to their complexity – i.e. the number of structures and facilities that belong to the sport organisations that could influence their environmental footprint).
Project duration : 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2023